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Transportation Technology (Meta-Major)

Students working on a Diesel Engine.

An associate degree in Transportation Technology provides a strong foundation in automotive and diesel mechanics. Through this program, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and technical skills, preparing them for further study or careers in the field. This degree nurtures a passion for innovation and a deeper understanding of transportation systems, making it an excellent choice for students interested in exploring careers in the transportation industry but who are not yet ready to specialize in a specific area.

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Course Title Credits
General Education Courses 34-36 credits
Elective Credits 17-21 credits
Meta-major Requirements 5-7 credits
Choose 5-7 credits from this list:
AUTO 1002 Intro to Automotive Technology II 3
DMT 1002 Intro to Diesel Technology II 3
  Any 2000-level AUTO class 2-4
  Any 2000-level DMT class 2-4
Total 60 credits

While we recommend that Transportation Technology students earn the Associate of Science (AS), an AA is also available. The Associate of Arts has the same requirements as the AS but has foreign language requirement of a 1020-level language class. Please see your academic advisor for full details.

The associate degree in Transportation Technology transfers into a variety of bachelor’s degrees at universities, but students will be even more prepared for transfer by choosing a non-meta-major when they are ready. The Transportation Technology meta-major aligns with the following majors

  • Automotive Technology
  • Diesel Technology
Freshman (Semester 1)
Course Title Credits
Quantitative Literacy
ENGL 1010 Introduction to Writing 3
Fine Arts 3
Freshman (Semester 2)
Course Title Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3
Physical Science 3
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Writing 3
Sophomore (Semester 3)
Course Title Credits
Life Science with a Lab 4
American Institutions
Foreign Language (1010 level)
Sophomore (Semester 4)
Course Title Credits
Integrated Explorations
Social Science
Foreign Language (1020 level)
Freshman (Semester 1)
Course Title Credits
Quantitative Literacy
ENGL 1010 Introduction to Writing 3
Fine Arts 3
Freshman (Semester 2)
Course Title Credits
GNST 1200 Foundations 3
Physical Science 3
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Writing 3
Sophomore (Semester 3)
Course Title Credits
Life Science with a Lab 4
American Institutions
Foreign Language (1010 level)
Sophomore (Semester 4)
Course Title Credits
Integrated Explorations
Social Science

Discover ways you can transfer your credits to some of the following colleges:

For more information on transferring within public colleges and universities in Utah, see UtahTransferGuide.